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Real-World Evidence

Learning more about the Sidus RWE Database

Built with you in mind

Data composited from EHRs, claims, and patient-reported outcomes

Get started quickly

Get started quickly

The Sidus RWE database is available in the cloud using native tools or can be licensed for use in your favorite data analysis tools, such as SPSS© or SAS©.  Researchers can quickly evaluate opportunities and identify cohorts.

Simple and easy to use

Compiled from multiple EHR sources, enriched with claims and patient-reported outcomes, Sidus RWE delivers immediate value and can be used with familiar tools in familiar surroundings.

Simple and easy to use

Plus even more

  • Many Platforms

    The Sidus RWE Database is compiled from multiple certified EHR, RCM, PM and other types of systems all of which have high adoption rates in their respective specialties.

  • Many Specialties

    The platforms that from which the Sidus RWE Database is derived are used by healthcare providers from many specialties, with particularly dense populations of cardiologists, OB/GYNs, psychiatrists, orthopedists, and primary care and family medicine, among others.

  • Many Publication Options

    Based on Sidus Insights' proprietary standard, the Sidus RWE Database can be provided according to multiple standard options, including OMOP, FHIR, I2B2, and in proprietary formats as well.

  • Many Use Cases

    The Sidus RWE Database is used by healthcare and life sciences researchers, data scientists, and software engineers, among other professionals, in use cases as diverse as development of new therapies, validation of existing therapies, label expansion, and training of providers and algorithms.

  • Multiple Virtual Databases

    The Sidus RWE Database comprises multiple, virtualized databases, making it available by specialty, geography, purpose, and therapeutic area, among other standard and customizable slices.

  • One Standard

    Despite being sourced from many platforms and from many specialties, the Sidus RWE Database is curated to a single standard, ensuring that its users have a common, standards-based experience across the entire dataset.

Learn the details of the Sidus RWE Database

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